新加坡经济是世界上最具竞争力和最稳定的经济体之一, 没有外债, 政府收入高,盈余持续为正. 它主要是由电子和精密工程出口驱动的, 但是PG电子游戏业, 特别是信息和通信行业, 旅游, 金融是经济增长的关键驱动力, 太. 新加坡还拥有世界上最繁忙的集装箱海港, 每年有五分之一的全球转运贸易经过这里, 使其成为全球物流链的中心节点.


进入市场异常容易. The small city-state provides one of the world’s most business-friendly regulatory environments for local entrepreneurs. 随着购买力的增加, 人口老龄化, 城市化和对可持续高科技产品的总体需求, 对PG电子官方免费下载产品和PG电子游戏的需求大幅增加. 再加上新加坡为打造世界上第一个智慧国家而进行的重大投资, 这个市场几乎是为PG电子官方免费下载公司量身定做的. 不足为奇的是, this has led to 新加坡 becoming one of PG电子官方免费下载’s largest trading partners in Asia Pacific.

新加坡的人才库是高素质的、国际化的、有竞争力的. 和, since the country is a natural stepping-stone for companies wishing to scale up and expand their business in the greater region, testing in 新加坡 will provide a sense of how to grow your business further in the 亚太地区 region.


The main risk is a result of the region’s success, namely finding and retaining talent. 竞争激烈,成本高, which results in companies having to be patient and expect it to take some time before business take off. 和, 因为透明度是商业环境的一个主要因素, the country can be perceived as complicated in terms of financial reporting and general compliance. These strict processes of course reflect 新加坡’s zero tolerance for corruption and irregularities. 我们在新加坡的国家经理, 理查德莱文, 在下面的采访中,你会发现更多关于这个的见解吗.


At Business PG电子官方免费下载 we help Swedish companies looking to invest and expand in this stable and highly dynamic economy. 我们通过战略建议来做到这一点, 实际的支持, 市场洞察力和广泛的业务网络.




在新加坡设立办事处可能是进入亚洲市场的第一步, 然后进一步扩大在该地区的业务. Companies see 新加坡 as an important node in the global logistics chain as it hosts large central warehouses and distribution centres. 近年来,新加坡也成为区域和全球研发中心&D推动先进的创新伙伴关系.

商业氛围中充满了可靠, 透明度和效率, 主要讲英语. 此外,这里的人才库是高素质的、国际化的、具有竞争力的. 通过在新加坡测试你的商业理念, you get a sense of what is needed to grow your business in the wider 亚太地区 region.


主要的风险在于寻找和留住人才. 同样重要的是要意识到竞争和成本情况是高的, which implies that Swedish companies must be patient and expect that it takes some time before the business take off. The country is also perceived as complicated in terms of financial reporting and general compliance. These strict processes reflect 新加坡's zero tolerance for corruption and irregularities.


新加坡 is an ethnically multi-faceted society with a Chinese majority and strong minorities of Malays, 印度人和其他欧亚人. It is therefore important to show respect for each other's cultures and society and to get to know each other before doing business. 人际关系在新加坡的商业文化中很重要, 所以,如果你在会议上被问到私人问题,不要感到惊讶. Negotiations take longer than in the West, however not as long as in other Asian countries. 新加坡人通常都准备得很充分,而且希望你也准备得很充分.

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